China’s Genetic Research on Ethnic Minorities Sets Off Science Backlash

China’s recent efforts to study the DNA of their country’s ethnic minorities has garnered a lot of criticism. A growing backlash among the scientific community stating that Beijing could use the information in order to spy on and oppress its people. China is currently attempting to harness bleeding edge technology in order to track minority …

The Women on the Frontline of Iraq’s Uprising

Since early October thousands of Iraqis, men and women, have been congregating at Tahrir Square, the hub of mass anti government protests in the heart of Baghdad. A small group of mainly male protesters have stationed themselves at the forefront of the battle, standing at the frontline of the battle zone on Rasheed Street. This …

How China is Treating Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, represents the cutting edge of technology and may be the defining creation of humankind. How countries research AI and plan to utilize it is different for all countries. Nations such as China and the US are at the forefront of the technology, pushing research and development in order to be the …

Why More Latinos in the US are Leaving the Catholic Church for Islam

Today about 8% of all Muslim American adults are Latino, contributing to a growing trend of Islamic converts. In interviews Latino converts stated that they were drawn to Islam because of the intense devotion to God, a simplicity in faith, and a focus on the community that they failed to find in their former faith. …

Gas Prices in Iran vs. US (&& Indianapolis)

Yesterday, I complained how much money I was spending on gas because being a college student anything above a cent is expensive. Well, talking with my dad (since ya girl needs gas money always) I kept saying why hasn’t gas stayed constant or gone down. Well, this time last year gas was 2.270 per gallon …

Iran Claims the US Must Pay $130 Billion In Damages

About one year ago the UN ‘s top court ruled that President Trump’s administration should ease sanctions on Iran (Tehran) to aide the flow of humanitarian goods. Now, Iran’s top judiciary has ordered the US to pay $130 billion in damages to Iran over sanctions. Iranian official Gholam Hossein Esmaeili stated that the courts are …

How Iran Is Crushing Freedom in the Middle East

Throughout the Middle East there’s an unlikely trend happening before our very eyes. From Beirut, to Baghdad, to all across Iran, the people of the Middle East are pushing back against the state. Fighting for the very freedoms that we take for granted in the West. These people want to be treated as sovereign citizens, …