Changing History (December 3 Class)

In class today, we talked about what China or the Islamic Middle East would be like if a notable event in history didn’t happen, such as Christopher Columbus or lack of US military presence in the Middle East. When class ended, I was still thinking about this, and I remembered an article I saw back …

Something interesting relating to China’s one child policy

Today in class, the topic of China’s one child policy came up briefly as we discussed current events in the countries we have studied this semester. In that brief discussion, a deep memory that I forgot was even in my brain popped out, and it is related to this one child policy. When I was …

Chinese Concentration Camps

Something that I have seen in the news and all over my various social media feeds has been the concentration camps in China. Located in the Xinjang region, these “re-education” camps are aimed solely at Uighurs and are aimed at “stripping Uighurs of their identity and [indoctrinating] them into being secular and loyal party supporters” …

Current Standing of Iran’s Economy

The current state of Iran’s economic standing is not looking very promising. For the past year there have been protests across the nation, with protesters pushing back against the everyday hardships they face. Just recently an Iranian protester, Hamid Rasouli, was killed by security forces. Iranian forces demanded that if Rasouli’s family wanted his body …

Security & Safety of Muslims in Indianapolis and the United States

One thing that I have perpetually noticed while volunteering at Nur-Allah mosque is the levels of security that the people of the mosque entail in order to make sure that all of the people of the mosque are safe while attending service. The mosque has a security guard every time that people are in the …

圣诞快乐 “Merry Christmas” 12-3-19

While now it is in December and I can be full of Christmas cheer, I thought it would be interesting to look at what this season is like in China. It appears that China isn’t very into the Christmas spirt, only about 1% of the population celebrate it, because only about that percentage is Christian. …