10 Reasons You Should Get Excited About the Moodle Renovation

Please share in the excitement of all of the new features to come with the August 23rd, Moodle Renovation upgrade! Have you heard about this new functionality?

1. Dropdown Menus:

Add all of your activities and resources faster than before with the dropdown menus. Now you won’t see a pop-up window every time you want to add a website link or label to your Moodle course.Resource and Activity DropdownsResource Dropdown ExpandedActivity Dropdown Expanded

2. Equation Editor: 

Add operators, arrows, Greek symbols, and advanced equations with the equation editor. Courses involving math will have new opportunities for assessment and feedback between instructors and students. Equation Editor buttonEquation Editor

3. More Than One Choice with Choice:

Choice used to only be a high stakes choice. Now, you will be able to allow users to select more than one choice when creating a Choice activity and it will function more like a poll.

4. Subscribe to Specific Events: 

Event monitoring allows teachers, managers and admins to create and subscribe to events, such as Glossary Entries. Classroom management for participation will be more transparent and easy to follow.

5. Text Autosave: 

The Atto text editor will automatically save your text as you type, keeping your content secure before you publish it-just like GoogleDocs does for you!

6. Attach Files to Assignments:

Teachers can now attach files for students when setting up assignments, such as example submissions or answer templates.

Attach Files to Assignments

7. Email replies to forum posts:

For added convenience, you can now reply to forum posts by email, and even include attachments!

8. Improved Grader report and Smooth Scrolling: 

Many improvements have been made to the gradebook, with the grader report now functional across all devices with smooth scrolling. Cells can be quickly edited without reloading.

9. Track the Grade History:

Track the grade history of specific users and specific graders in this new report.

10. New Single view: 

A new Single view allows you to make quick edits to one item or one user. This means that participation or completion grades for classes with large student population can be entered once! This also means that you can quickly review all of the grades for an individual student without involving scrolling through your whole gradebook!