The Quiz activity allows you to create quizzes that students take online. You can make use of a wide variety of question types, including multiple choice, true-false, and short answer. These questions are kept in the Question bank and can be re-used in different quizzes.
- From your course’s main page, click the button in the upper-right.
- With editing turned on, click in the section where you want to add the assignment.
- From the menu that appears, click the next to and click the button at the bottom of the menu.
- Provide a for the quiz. You can also provide a for the quiz. The name is how the quiz will be displayed on the course page, in the gradebook, etc. The description is what the students will see before they attempt a quiz, and is useful for providing prompts or instructions.
- Open the menu to set time limits on the quiz. You can specify when to , when to , and whether the quiz has a . Ensure that the checkbox is checked for any option you want to use.
- Click the section to expand it. Specify which the quiz will go in (if any). You can also set the number of and the for those multiple attempts (e.g. take the highest grade, take the most recent grade, take the average grade, etc.).
- Click when done.
Click here to watch a video tutorial on this subject provided by Atomic Learning. Be sure to log in to Atomic Learning before attempting to view this tutorial.