Aug 11 2011

Agreements for Peace

Posted at 4:20 pm under Argus,School 60

As school begins, the Lab School is working on building a community. One of the ways we are building a community in our classroom is through creating and honoring Agreements for Peace. As a class, we sat down together and talked about what a peaceful being is and what a peacemaker is. We talked about ways that we could show peacefulness in our classroom and came up with our Agreements for Peace. Below is our list:


Be kind.

Listen to who is talking.

Take care of our materials.

As the school year progresses, we may see that we need more agreements added or changed. These decesions will be made as a class after thoughtful discussion.


Kaitlyn writes some of our Agreements for Peace.



Our invesrigation on height and length continues.

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