Tag Archive 'responsible'

Jan 14 2013

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A Pomegranate and a Construction Zone

Filed under Argus

This morning, Bea brought in something quite interesting- a pomegranate! Many friends had never tried one and were excited to taste the juicy seeds. After tasting, we noticed how many extra seeds were left inside. Bea immediately had an idea- “We need to put them in our grow lab!” All of our friends agreed. We planted three separate containers several pomegranate seeds in each. This led us to a conversation we had last week, about planting other things. Last week, Tajanaye had a wonderful suggestion- to plant seeds and grow seed starters for a special sale and to raise money for our garden. We revisited this conversation after planting the pomegranate seeds, and Tajanaye remarked, “We can sell the seeds and people can give them to grandmas who are sick or people can hang them on their porch.”

Regan added, “If people have a family member that doesn’t have any food, we can give it to them and them can keep it.”

“If someone was sick like your brother or sister you could give it to them as a present.” Bea

Makenzi added, “It would be so kind. So kind. I would like to have a selling party, after our author celebration. Maybe we can put a lot of water to them and they will grow.”

This being said, we decided we would plant an entire package of carrot seeds in Keurig cups in our grow lab and get them started for our sale. Lucas brought up that he believed using these K cups was recycling.

“I think its recycling. I think I saw a book at Mrs. Clark’s class about rethink, reduce, recycle.” Lucas

“I was in Mrs. Clark’s class last year! We made up a song for recycling. It means you reuse, rethink and use it for something else instead of storing it in the trash.” BreAnna

These are such powerful connections for the kids to make. I am excited for exploring other green ways to enhance our garden this year.

We had another great day of building our mouse city, as well. The kids really worked as team to share supplies and negotiate tasks to get done for their buildings and stick to their plans.

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Oct 22 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

A New Message Center and Some Garden Work!

Filed under Argus

Today there were many new things in our classroom! Friends noticed new Story Workshop materials, which are currently themed around gardening and the outdoors. Friends loved investigating the different types of seeds and tried out some dramatic play with garden tools. Friends were also greeted today by a large contraption with a big light on it- an indoor grow lab! The kids were invited to guess what they thought it was. Many friends thought it had something to do with growing things indoors… we will find out soon! We also did some work in our garden today. We talked about the importance of mulch and learned that it helps retain water and keeps weeds from growing. We plan on doing a little work in the garden each day this week. We also spent our recess time in this beautiful space just as a class and played games. Tomorrow, other classes from our recess time will be invited to spend time in the space. Its so wonderful- and now we can really enjoy its beauty!

We also have a new message center in class. Each child has a small envelope with their picture on it posted on the wall. Throughout the day, friends can write notes and messages to one another and put them in one another’s envelopes. The messages are small, so friends need to be very thoughtful about what they are putting on the notes. So far, it has been a big hit with our class. This is one of many ways we continue to develop our community of friends.

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Oct 04 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Garden Day Fall 2012

Today was a huge success! A big thank you to our parent volunteers and volunteers from Dow who came to support us. And most importantly, thank you to the kids who made it all possible! More pictures and stories to come soon. For now, ask your learner about their experience and enjoy these pictures.

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Sep 18 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Garden Clean Up! (and a worm hotel)

Filed under Argus

Today, we put our plan into action- we cleaned up the garden! We put our gardening gloves on and talked about the difference between weeds and plants and went to it. Old plants were put into the compost bin to rot and become fresh organic matter and soil that will help our garden grow next year. Friends loved getting their hands dirty and doing some hard work! Mr. Henderson and I are finding that our class has a special interest in our outdoor space- just like last year! This is interesting because gardening was one of our large class project. We are wondering if the children will become more and more interested and this profound affection for the garden will develop into something more…

At recess today, the kids continued discussion about living things in the garden and dug up worms! Many, many friends, including ones that are not in our class, were enthralled with the idea of finding worms and placing them in the “worm hotel”. Some friends from last year even shared that they knew that worms could be beneficial to our garden.

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Sep 17 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

The Garden

Filed under Argus

This week, it is our responsibility to be chicken and garden stewards! We went outside and to our delight, there were 6 eggs to collect from our girls. After we fed the chickens, we took a look at the garden and noticed all the changes from the beginning of the year. We noticed many of the plants have gone to bolt (have flowered) and are about done producing. We noticed some plants still need to be harvested and may need a little more time (peppers!). We talked about what needs to be done this week to take care of the garden. Some suggestions were:


pulling out bolted plants


making pesto from basil

We plan to act on this list tomorrow. The garden is such a wonderful space for us. We are so lucky to have it. 🙂

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