Archive for November, 2011

Nov 30 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

What Are All Those Boxes For?!

Filed under Clark,School 60

This is only half of the boxes!

My oh my that is a lot of boxes! Do you want to know why we have so many?  Each one of these boxes is going to go into a classroom at our school (k-1) and in grades 2-6 who share the building with us.  As you all know, in a few weeks we will be receiving a paper retriever in our school parking lot.  Today we spent a little time putting together these boxes and talking about our next steps in the school wide recycling program that we are creating.  The kids decided that we need to come up with speeches to explain to the other students what you can and cannot put into the paper retriever.  So in the next few days we will be writing short speeches and presenting to other classrooms in the building.

Selah and Christina are putting together a box.


Harper and Wyatt are taking on the box challenge!


Reid, Max, and CJ are almost done!

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Nov 30 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Hardworking Writers!

Filed under Bucher

Today, I was so impressed with the children during Writer’s Workshop.  This week we have been talking a lot about how the text and pictures match when writing and reading stories.  I asked why do the text and pictures match in stories, and one child said, “because then it tells the whole story, and it’s the proper way you make a book.” The children have really taken to this, and they have been working hard writing text to match their illustrations!

Reminder that tomorrow night is our Math Family Night at 6pm!  Hope to see you there!

Oliver and Jonah doing the "see saw" pose (stretching their backs) during yoga today.

Emily's bear that she made using one of her Reader's Workshop books as a resource for the art.

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Nov 30 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Goldfish and Multiplecation

Filed under Argus

Carriea- "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty..."

Today we had goldfish for snack. Lately, the kids have been very interested in the concept of equity and making sure everyone has the same amount or about the same amount. After each child is distributed snack each day, they started lining up and counting their snack to check how many they have. Today, Carriea did something really interesting. She called me over to look at her snack and it was lined up in six rows of five goldfish each. She said, “Look Mrs. Argus! I can count by fives and find out how many!” She then proceeded to count her rows, “Five, ten fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty! I have thirty goldfish today!” What neat a real life application of the importance of counting by 5’s and using multiplecation. With all this counting and eating, I think we are running a little low on snack. If your family is able, any donations of animal crackers, goldfish, or pretzels would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


I also want to remind you that tomorrow is our Family Math Night from 6-7 here at the Lab School! Bring your family to play!

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Nov 29 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Clark

A Pillow for Mrs. Williams

Filed under Clark,School 60

Yesterday, Mrs. Williams was not at school because she was sick.  As many of you know Mrs. Williams has been in our classroom since September.  She is with us everyday to help.  Like anyone in our classroom community, when she is absent we all miss her.  So when I told the kids that she was sick, they came up with the idea to make her a pillow.  While we make the pillow yesterday (so the pictures are from Monday), we gave it to Mrs. Williams when she returned today.

From a teacher’s perspective, this was a wonderful moment to watch. Knowing, that the kids worked cooperatively together in small groups to make something for a person in need is so special.  At this moment, the kids realized they have the power to help.  If nothing else, I hope this story warms your heart like I believe it did for myself and Mrs. Williams.

Kristien, Sophia, and Reid are working together to cut out the fabric for the pillow.


BreAnna and Tylisha are working together to close the pillow that a few others stuffed with feathers and yarn.


The finished pillow! Yes, there is a little duct tape, but three of the sides are sewed.

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Nov 29 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Line Leaders, Snow, and Self-portraits!

Filed under Bucher

Before you start reading the blog, I want to apologize for the length of this entry.  I just kept typing and kept typing.  🙂

We had an interesting discussion today.  So, since the beginning of school there has always been a desire from the children to be the line leaders (one for the boys line and one for the girls line) throughout the day.  Today, just being curious, I asked the children why they wanted to be line leaders.  I was then surrounded by very articulate and thoughtful children who told me why they wanted to be the line leader.  Emily said, “I cannot hear or see when I am in the back so I like to be in the front so I can hear you.”  DeOnna said, “I want to hurry in (from wherever we are coming from) and get my spot so I can sit and do what I am supposed to do.”  Heaven said, “I want to get in quickly.”

I thought it was very interesting to hear their perspectives about why they want or like to be in the front.  We were talking about maybe timing the person in the front to see how long it took them to get to where they need to be and then timing the person in the back to see how long it takes them because we thought “Is there a big difference in time between the first person and last person?”  Then DeOnna said, “I have an idea!  Why don’t we take turns so each day there is a new person in front of the line!”  The children reacted with such excitement and gratitude towards that idea so tomorrow we are going to start that.  I am going to pick two people at random to be the line leaders, and we will continue to do that until everyone has a turn.  Then, we will start over.

I just thought it was a very mature conversation we had today with much articulation and good collaboration that I wanted to share it with you.

Today we began a self-portrait study!  The next few weeks before Winter Break we will be exploring the idea of self portraits.  We have done a couple of self portraits before, but we have never really discussed them much in class.  We will look at various artists and their self-portraits.  We will use different materials to make self portraits.  By taking time to focus and look closely at ourselves, it helps with focusing and looking closely at our writing and reading.  I am excited to explore this idea of self-portraits more!

I cannot begin to tell you how excited the children were to see snow today!  We were busy doing Free Choice/Project Work when all of a sudden someone realized it was snowing.  Then almost all of the children huddled by the window cheering that it was snowing!  It was so fun to see their excitement!  Hopefully there is more snow tomorrow so they can enjoy it further.

Madeline P. reading some poems to the class today!

Some of the children huddled by the window enjoying the snow!

Isaac working on his self portrait tracing today.

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