Tag Archive 'Butler'

Feb 04 2013

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Butler Friends and Standard Measurement

Filed under School 60

Today we were greeted by four new Butler friends that are Block A practicum students from Butler University. We loved getting to know Mr. Cohn, Miss Hoffman, Miss Goetz, and Miss Goodwin. These students will be with us each Monday for the rest of the semester, learning with us! We are so glad to have them.

We continued our exploration in measurement today during problem solving. Towards the end of last week, we were given a problem that said we needed to figure out how big a garden bed would be if it was as long as our table and as wide as our calendar. This led us to try to figure out the best way to measure these things and also explore the concepts of “long” and “wide”. We learned as we worked through the problem and when a friend discovered something we thought would be helpful to others, we added it to our measurement terms chart. We eventually discovered the term “perimeter” and learned that in order to all get an exact measurement, we would need to work with standard measurement- in our case, rulers. The kids have enjoyed experimenting with and learning the best ways to measure accurately with rulers. Today, the kids were challenged with another measurement/perimeter story problem. We ended up having a big debate about the difference between width and length and learned we may need to change or add to our anchor chart to clarify what these terms mean. The kids were disappointed to learn that we had to end problem solving for the day before we had all officially solved the problem but were excited to know that we would continue working on the same one tomorrow. It was a big day for us!

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Oct 04 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Garden Day Fall 2012

Today was a huge success! A big thank you to our parent volunteers and volunteers from Dow who came to support us. And most importantly, thank you to the kids who made it all possible! More pictures and stories to come soon. For now, ask your learner about their experience and enjoy these pictures.

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Sep 05 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

New Butler Friends

Filed under Argus

Today we had new Butler friends in our classroom! Being the Butler Lab School, we are lucky enough not only to have a Butler student teacher but also three practicum students from Butler. Each Wednesday, we will have their support in our classroom all day. This means more one on one time for our kids- awesome. Our practicum students are Stephanie Bickel, Kara Saka, and Cayla Weese, and they did awesome with the kids- so helpful. We look forward to getting to know them throughout the semester!

Miss Bickel and Makenzi work hard!

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May 03 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

More Pictures from our Garden Day!

Filed under Argus,Bucher,Clark,Estridge

Mrs. Clark’s class plants up a storm!


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May 02 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

What a Beautiful Day

Filed under Argus,Bucher,Clark,Estridge

The day was perfect! All day long, classes came and supported one another in preparing and planting the garden. We tilled, mixed soil, planted, mulched, and watered. We were so lucky the weather was spectacular, too. The kids seemed so happy and proud of their work. Such a wonderful day.

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