Tag Archive 'cooking'

Oct 02 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Potato Chips

Filed under Argus

Last week, Mr. Henderson asked our friends, “Where do potato chips come from?” It led to some very interesting conversation about how exactly a chip is made. We came up with three main theories

1. chips are made by cutting a potato in half and cooking it

2. chips are made by mashing them and cooking it

3. chips are made by slicing a potato thin and cooking it

Today, our daily question asked the kids which method they believed would get the best results. We found that our class had almost an exact three way tie with the three theories. After some talking as a group, Breanna and Addie suggested something clever- why not try all three ways? We prepped three potatoes in three different ways and baked them. Friends wrote predictions as to which way they believed would work best. We talked about how we were being like scientists predicting and testing results. It also reminded us of chefs that have to create recipes for others to enjoy! After testing the three potatoes, we discovered that thin slicing was definitely the way to go with the rest of our potatoes. The results were delicious. We are finding that one of the best parts of sharing a treat as a class is sitting in a big circle and talking with one another. Miles commented that it felt like we “were a family” when we sat in such a way. J’Den said, “It feels like we’re all riding our bikes together when we eat like this.” Such a beautiful analogy for their feeling of community in our classroom.

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Sep 24 2012

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Pesto-Yum Yum Yum!

Filed under Argus

On Friday we made pesto. It was delicious! That morning, we learned how to properly harvest basil from our garden. We referred to our video from the day prior about how to make pesto and made sure we had all of the ingredients. All of our friends helped either adding, measuring, or counting ingredients to make sure the pesto was just right! Mr. Henderson and I were so pleased to see all of the kids try the pesto and most really enjoy it. Mr. Henderson led a great conversation after we enjoyed our pesto about how food brings people together.

Do you think that food brings us together? Mr. Henderson

Yeah, cuz like, if you try different things you might like it. But If i asked Mrs. Argus whats her favorite cereal, she may say something. And if I asked Amiah what hers is, its different. They can still be friends. J’Den

I ask my momma can I get some food, and then the food makes you healthy and strong. Makenzi

Like we all have different opinions, like different things. Lucas

Like when you have a night, like Mimi, on Christmas Night, she brings us together because she makes a special dinner for us. And we all come there and she is sharing the food, and that brings us all together. Addie

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