Aug 11 2011

Third and Fourth Day!

Posted at 10:30 pm under Bucher

Good evening!  I first want to apologize for not writing everyday on the blog.  Starting next week, I will be posting something everyday at the end of the day with the kids or right after school so that you can look at it with your children.  Yesterday and today we continued to work on the procedures of school, which they are getting each and everyday.

Yesterday we had a blast making boats out of foil.  After making the boats, we counted to see how many coins we could put in the boats before they sank.  It was fun to see how creative the child got with making their boats.  Some of the boats were squares.  Some were circular in shape.  Some children got a few coins in before it sank.  Sydney put 90 coins in her boat before it sunk!!

Today we did the long jump. I placed a  piece of tape on the floor and then each child jumped as far as they could.  We marked where each child jumped, and then we had a discussion about how to measure each jump.  Emily said, “We have to measure the distance from the start line to each person’s mark!”  Jonah then shared that we have to use something that has numbers on it like a measuring tape.  I showed a ruler, but all of the children said “No! It has to be longer!”  I then got out a measuring tape, and each child proceeded to figure out how long each jump was.   Once we were finished the children wanted to wear their tape so that they could share with their other friends how far they jumped!

Some of our friends measuring the distance for their long jump!


Joshua working hard building his building.

Jett showing off a ball that he made out of Play-doh that we played catch with for a little bit!



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