Aug 13 2011

Our First Week!

Posted at 10:03 pm under Bucher,School 60

Our first week of school went by so fast!  I hope that your children came home excited to tell you all the various things we did from the read alouds to the three different workshops to free choice!  We focused a lot of the week on procedures and getting to know each other.  Next week we will continue to work on procedures while at school, and I hope to begin conferencing with each child while doing Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop.

On Monday, I will be sending home one notebook which will be our journal to write back and forth during the year.  I will begin the journal with just letting you all know how your child is doing in school so far.  Then, you are more than welcome to write back as often or not often as you would like.   I hope that this is something that you will enjoy throughout the year!

Mrs. Bucher 🙂

Malachi showing me his flower and sun he drew during one of the literacy stations!

Emily and Geneva preparing for their bubblegum store!

Sydney and Cha'kyra's house they built during free choice!

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