Aug 15 2011

Monday, 8/15

Posted at 8:41 pm under Bucher

Today, we spoke about respect and what we needed to do in class in order to give and receive respect.  The children came up with some ideas:

1.  Keep our hands and body to ourselves.

2.  Listen when Mrs. Bucher or another friend is talking.

3.  Use nice words.

We will be making a class book on respect. We also will have a respect jar, and as I see friends respecting each other or myself, I will put a marble in.  When we get a full jar, we will go to the big playground!  I think the children will LOVE that!!

Makayla, Mekhi, and Heaven rolling the dice and throwing the matching number of bean bags in the basket!

Jonah, Isaac, and Jason posing for a picture during free choice!

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