Aug 17 2011

Leap and Learn

Posted at 5:02 pm under Estridge,School 60

Leah shared a book about her trip to Georgia while her captivated classmates listened to her story.

Today was another great day in Kindergarten/1st Grade! We are becoming more comfortable with our daily routines and procedures.

Today was our first day getting to visit the studio. Students created wire creations, acted on the stage, and played in the sensory table. Upon returning to the classroom, we joined together in a math exploration of measurement. Each student took turns leaping as far as they could from a piece of tape we placed on the classroom floor. When everyone had done their best leap, we worked to figure out the best way to measure our leaps. It was decided that we needed to use a measuring tape. However, we faced a dilemma when our measuring tape was too short to measure our longest leap. OUr class worked together and decided to use a ruler and our measuring tape to measure the final leap. It was exciting to see our class work together as problem solvers.

I’m sorry to say that I didn’t get any pictures of our leaping math workshop. Ho

Friends used the rice to make it rain while singing "Rain rain, go away!"

wever, here are some other pictures from our day.

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