Aug 17 2011

Our Best Moment Yet…

Posted at 4:39 pm under Clark,School 60

Over the past few days we have been talking a lot about our community.  We have been reading stories, writing class books, and planning what to do to help others.  Today, I witnessed one of the best moments yet this year.  After each Workshop we typically have a share time.  We had so many books today during writing that we shared a few extra at the end of the day.  One of our friends, Kaylee had worked very hard on her book about Mermaids.  As she shared it there was a magical hush that fell over the classroom.  All of the other friends were instantly fixed.  They listened to her entire story and then each student clapped loudly at the end to celebrate Kaylee’s writing.  They even cheered a little!  As a teacher, this is one of the best moments you can have in a classroom.  Our class is sharing, working together, and celebrating each other!  Here is a picture of Kaylee and her proud moment:



One response so far

One Response to “Our Best Moment Yet…”

  1.   Mrs. Arguson 18 Aug 2011 at 6:42 am 1


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