Aug 18 2011

Interesting Materials

Posted at 3:53 pm under Argus

Regan, Angela, and Monica inspect the materials.

Yesterday, one of our friends brought in a large container of materials. Inside were all sorts of interesting things; Gatorade and juice lids, old spice containers, milk rings, marker caps, and many other circular objects. The kids enjoyed inspecting and looking at the new materials and were interested in them again this morning during arrival activities. Some friends even started building with the materials and creating pictures. We decided as a class that we would like to have more interesting materials such as the ones brought in for our use in the studio and for future projects. Tomorrow, I will be sending home a letter from our class with more details and a brown paper bag to help hold found objects your child finds at home. Please assist them on this journey in building a more enriching studio for our class. I can’t wait to see where this investigation leads!

Do you see a face?


Christian explains, "I'm trying to figure out which one is the smallest."

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