Aug 23 2011

Tuesday, 8/23

Posted at 6:46 pm under Bucher

Today, some of our class along with other classes from School 60 went to a presentation on Good Touch/Bad Touch.  The police officer that spoke asked the children to tell their families about what they heard today so tonight or tomorrow might be a good night to discuss what they heard while at the presentation.

Nobody today brought up making any mail or anything about mail today so tomorrow I think that I might set out the envelopes during our free choice to see if they want to use them.  We will see if it is a sustained interest or if it something that they were just interested in a couple of days.

Yesterday we started a new part of Math Workshop!  We had three story problems that we needed to solve, and yesterday we used some sorting bears to figure them out.  Today, we used unifix cubes.  The children did awesome today thinking and using the tools to help them solve the problem!  We talked about how some children used one way to answer the problem while other children used another method.  Tomorrow we will use another tool that they can use to solve problems.   Next week we will start using our Math Workshop notebook where we will be using various tools to help us solve problems.

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