Aug 24 2011

Fill Your Bucket pictures!

Posted at 8:12 pm under Bucher

Here are some pictures from today of when some friends were creating buckets…

Some of our friends working hard on creating their buckets.

Cha'kyra showing her bucket!

Selam proud of her bucket!

One response so far

One Response to “Fill Your Bucket pictures!”

  1.   robertsethpriceon 25 Aug 2011 at 8:40 am 1

    Hello Friends of Ms. Bucher’s class,

    It is exciting to see how each of you have different ideas of designing your buckets! And in the top picture, it is interesting how you seem to be sharing ideas amongst each other. Did anybody take a design idea from one of your friends and include it in your bucket?

    How will each of you be using your buckets?

    Bob Price

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