Aug 26 2011

Shape Walk, Shape Walk!

Posted at 3:01 pm under Argus

Angela's shape walk writing. "Circle"Today our class looked at a book called Shapes, Shapes, Shapes by Tana Hoban. Tana Hoban is an author who is famous for her vivid photography in children's books. We looked at the book to recall shapes we had seen before and identify characteristics of them. After we looked at the story, we decided to go on our own shape walk in our classroom. Each child had a clipboard and was instructed to draw shapes they saw. I encouraged the kids to label what types of shapes they saw. For example, David saw that our large table was a rectangle so he drew the large table and wrote the word, "rectangle."Regan shows her shape walk writing.

 I was so impressed with the kid’s abilities to notice shapes around our classroom that may not at first look like shapes at all. Sascha and Journey noticed some shapes in unusual spots, including in the nook of where art supplies are stored on our easel! Ruth noticed that the lamp switch was a circle. How observant!

What shapes do you see in our easel?

One response so far

One Response to “Shape Walk, Shape Walk!”

  1.   scottgoldsmithon 30 Aug 2011 at 10:59 am 1

    Thanks so much for all of the updates!

    And if anybody hasn’t seen the Channel 13 video highlighting the school, you can view it here:

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