Sep 01 2011

Puppets-Day 3!

Posted at 9:53 pm under Bucher

Today, we put on a puppet show using puppets that I created from The Runaway Pancake.  The children have really enjoyed this book so I thought this was a great activity to do to work on retelling a story (one way to read a book) as well as further our experience with puppets.  The children LOVED this “Reader’s Theater” as I called it and wanted to keep doing it.

During Math Workshop today we discussed how dominoes can show us another form of a number.  We explored dominoes a bit, and then we made our snack look like a domino!  The children were very excited to have a different kind of snack today!

Writer’s Workshop today was so wonderful!  All of the children showed movement in their books so we did a whole group share so that each person could be celebrated for their hard work!

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