Sep 10 2011

Positive Points and a Few Housekeeping Things

Posted at 8:00 am under Argus

Our class has started a new initiative called Positive Points. Each time our class is doing something positive together as a class (being respectful to who is listening, being peaceful at lunch, filling each other’s buckets) we can earn a positive point. We have been practicing making tallys to represent the points and counting them each time a point is added. Last week, our positive point goal was to reach 25 points, and we achieved that goal. As a reward, we watched the movie Chicken Run which is about chickens building an airplane. This week, we started a new goal, 30 points, and today we talked about what should happen when we achieve our goal. We wrote a list of ideas as a class, ranging from having a Ramen Noodle party (who knew there could be such a unique party?) to baking and enjoying cookies as a class. We chose four ideas and voted on our favorite- Making our Own Ice Cream! I ancicipate we will achieve this goal in the upcoming week  and will most likely do this on Friday. If any parents or adult helpers are interested in helping out with this experience, please let me know!

Also, on Friday afternoon I sent home a conference schedule for parent teacher conferenes. These are on September 21st. They will be from 12-7pm in twenty increment time slots. Please indicate on the paper sent home or via email several slots that would work for you. I will then contact you to confirm what time works best.

I also sent home a birthday calendar. At the Lab School, we will be addressing birthdays by celebrating them at the end of each month. If it is your child’s birthday month, they will have the oppurtunity to bake cupcakes at school for their classmates. We will always need volunteers for this, so please look at the schedule and consider helping.

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