Sep 13 2011

Making Big Plans!

Posted at 4:27 pm under Argus

Aidan takes his time and adds lots of details to his airplane.

Kaitlyn labels her airplane and uses our chart as a guide.

This morning our class started a discussion on what we would like to accomplish in doing our airplane project. Most friends expressed a desire to build and create planes which we have already seen evident in the past month. I shared that I would like our class to create some sculptures of airplanes to show our knowledge of the different airplane parts and functions. The kids were excited but cautious. “How big will it be?” said David. “Once I build an airplane as big as that table!” exclaimed Lucas. I suggested we make a plan like a real engineer who might create an airplane. We looked at graph paper that an engineer or architect may use and talked about how to draw our plans for our plane sculpture. Zacharyah came up with a great suggestion to help our drawings take flight. “We should look at the books to get airplane ideas!” The plans are so detailed and elaborate, many of the kids also labeled each part of their plane using our new airplane terms.

We have also been enjoying a new materials in class, the gears. The kids have begun creating towers and different types of vehicles.
 I also feel compelled to share my favorite part of the day. During math workshop, Aidan was having some trouble getting started with our math problem. We are starting grouping (early multiplication) and some of the kids were quite frustrated. He exclaimed, “I don’t know what to do! Ahh!” Without the skip of a beat, David, who was sitting next to him leaned over and said, “I can help you!” He then began explaining to Aidan how he had set up the problem and guided Aidan as he began illustrating the problem. I was so impressed with both friends for working together. This is truly an amazing class.


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One Response to “Making Big Plans!”

  1.   scottgoldsmithon 13 Sep 2011 at 9:35 pm 1


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