Sep 15 2011

Literacy Stations

Posted at 5:12 pm under Bucher

Yesterday we started new literacy stations, and the last two days have been great with them!  We are making name graphs with our names.  We have to sort them by first letter, and then if the group gets done with that the children have to sort the names by the last letter of the name.  We are designing posters for our puppet shows.  We are taking a clipboard cruise and writing the words we see in our classroom.  We are seeking out objects out of a brown paper bag and then we are writing the first letter we hear or the whole word.  We are creating sentences by filling in our friends’ names within the sentence.  The last group is a station working with me…:)

The children have done such a nice job on these stations so I am excited to continue to do them each day!

Another exciting thing we did today was yoga!  The children at first were like, “What are we doing Mrs. Bucher”, but then they got into especially when we were doing the Tree Pose.  🙂

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