Sep 15 2011

What’s New in Our Classroom

Posted at 5:37 pm under Clark,School 60

This week we have been adding to our physically fit classroom.  On Monday we started yoga in our class.  We do this after recess before we start Writer’s Workshop to calm ourselves and get ready to write.  The kids really love this!  Here are a few pictures of them “finding their breath.”  We have been practicing breathing deeply to calm as we begin.


While yoga is so great we have even more good news!!  As many of you have noticed, the kids have been bringing home A to Z Readers.  These are the little white paper books that are leveled readers.  Every six days (we have six groups) I meet with the students and work with them on a book that is at their exact reading level.  They then get to take it home to practice and keep!  We are in our first rotation and the kids are really excited about them!  Please help them by reading the books at home.  The more successful they feel the more excited they will be about reading!

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