Sep 19 2011

Butler COE Block A Students Begin Field Experiences

Posted at 8:47 pm under School 60

Katie Jones reads with a student during Reader's Workshop.

Elyse Estridge helps a student with a project.

Amy Gaisser interacts with student at a light table in the studio.

On last Wednesday, the Block A students from the Butler University College of Education began working in our classrooms.  Today they returned to the classrooms for a second full-day of teaching experience at the IPS/Butler University Laboratory School.  In addition to working with individual students and small groups, many of the Block A students have taught lessons and read books aloud to the classes with which they work.  Several Block A students returned to school last Friday (on a day they were not even scheduled to be at our school) to participate in a class celebration with the children in room 104.  So, if your child came home recently and told you he/she has four new teachers, it is true!

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