Sep 20 2011

Great day!

Posted at 7:56 pm under Bucher

Today while the children were in the Studio some of our friends started adding items to their puppets to enhance their features. As a whole they are so excited to be working on their puppets. When Mrs. Grotjan asked who wanted to work on their puppets today, almost every single one of the children put their hand on their hand (showing they wanted to work on their puppet)! That made me so happy to see their excitement and engagement with this topic of puppets.

During Writer’s Workshop today we read A Chair For My Mother. This story is about a family that is saving up coins to buy a comfy chair after they lost their furniture in a fire. One of the pages read that the neighbors and friends helped donate furniture to this family, and Malachi said, “They need to put a pom in their baskets!” I love the idea of filling buckets is spreading now to text that we are reading.

We read this book today because the author wrote this book after the fire actually happened to her family. This brought us into the topic of personal narratives. We will be exploring this idea of personal narratives more in the next week or so.

I tried importing pictures again, but I am having trouble again. I am going to contact someone to help me figure this out! SORRY!

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