Sep 23 2011

Onto the next phase…building!

Posted at 4:19 pm under Bucher

Hello hello!  So, today we spoke as a group about where to go next with our project.  Some of the responses were as followed:

“It needs to be bigger (the stage).”-Heaven

“The stage needs to be wider.” -Jonah

“I have a big roll of paper and we can draw it for the background.” -Oliver

“Taller because parents won’t be able to see it well.” -Selam

Overall, the conversation was leading towards us needing to build a stage so that is where we are going!  This afternoon we did observation drawings of the current stage we have now in our room, and then we turned it over and drew a picture of kind of stage we want.  It was very interesting to see what the children desire for their stages.

Anyone out there good with building and with tools?  We might be asking you to help us build the stage sometime soon!

Have a great weekend!

Joseph's drawing of our current puppet stage.

Some friends doing their observational drawings of the puppet stage we currently have in our room.

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