Sep 24 2011

Is Eric Carle Real?

Posted at 6:15 am under School 60


Cameron reads his note from Eric Carle.

This week, we have been enjoying the various books by the beloved author Eric Carle. The kids have enjoyed identifying Mr. Carle’s distinguishing characteristics, including writing “repeaters”, using 5+ detail (ask your child what that means 🙂 ), writing about animals, being quite silly, and many others. We have been practicing making text to text connections during Reader’s Workshop and seeing if we can find any similarities in our books to the Eric Carle books. Today, one of our friends, Cameron, got an interesting note in his lunchbox that provoked some conversation. It read, “Dear Cameron, Thanks for reading my books. Love, Eric Carle” . Many of the kids were interested in this note and a question came up debating the validity of the note and whether Eric Carle was in fact a real person. Who was this guy anyways and how could he have gotten this note into our friend’s lunchbox? We started an investigation on Eric Carle and pulled him up on his website, We looked at his picture and read his biography, talking about how old he is and how he went to art school growing up. We will continue to talk about Eric Carle as an author and perhaps make comparissons to ourselves as authors too. Could we be famous authors one day?


Friends enjoy Eric Carle books during Read, Rest, Write.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Is Eric Carle Real?”

  1.   sonyaybon 24 Sep 2011 at 7:12 am 1

    Ruth doesn’t remember it, but she and her dad met Eric Carle when she was about 2. He came to the Central Library as a guest speaker. While there he patted her on the head.

  2.   Matt Harrison 27 Sep 2011 at 4:21 pm 2

    I was just trying to leave a funny note in Cam’s lunchbox. He was talking about Eric Carle so I figured I’d write a note and sign his name. I didn’t realize that I was contributing to a new investigation, but I am glad to led to a creative and interesting study. Thanks for sharing.

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