Sep 28 2011

Block A Day!

Posted at 11:22 pm under Estridge

Today was Block A Day at the Lab School, which means that we had our 4 wonderful Butler students/teachers in the classroom with us. During the time that the “Butlers” (as the children refer to them) are in the classroom, they are working with small groups of students, reading with children, helping facilitate learning during whole group time, conference with students, and providing them with even more love and attention…something that I am ALWAYS happy for them to get more of!

With all of our extra hands today, we celebrated our September birthday. Parents of our September birthday friends were able to come in and work with our three birthday children to make cupcakes for our class. I love this opportunity because it allows for students to create. And when our students create, they take pride in their work and in themselves! When given the opportunity, our children are beautiful creators!

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