Sep 28 2011

Inspired by another puppeteer!

Posted at 8:19 pm under Bucher

After watching the puppeteer on the video make puppets on Monday, the children were so enthusiastic about making one of the puppets they saw on the video.  Today, we made the snake puppet!  The children were so excited to make the puppets and were so engaged during the process!  They had to dry, but we will be sending them home tomorrow!

We had our first experience at the school library today, and the children did amazing!  They did such a nice job of respecting the librarian, Ms. Dennis, and were so excited to check out a book.  The books have to stay at school, but we will be ensuring that the children can read their books they chose throughout the week until we go back next week to the library!

Heaven and Emily being supported by Miss Jeffrey while making their puppets.

Isaac and Jett working hard making the spiral for their snake puppet.

Miss Lauren and Jason working on his puppet!

Geneva working hard on her snake puppet!

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