Oct 03 2011

Recycling and Writer’s Workshop

Posted at 5:02 pm under Clark,School 60

I know a few days ago I posted about trains.  Well….in true form we have changed our mind!  While our mini investigation on trains went well, the kids are getting very excited about recycling.  We started chatting about it last week when someone asked, “Why don’t we have recycling?”  I responded with, “That is a great question!  What can we do about this?”  Since then we have been discovering a little bit more about the process of recycling and what we can do in our school.  At this point we know that we want to start a recycling program in our school, but we are trying to figure out how to do that.  I know we will be asking for parent help at some point so keep reading our blog to find out more!

David made a sign that said, "We want to recycle!"


During Free Choice, Sophia was very excited about recycling. She drew herself recycling outside!


As if that was not enough, the kids are really getting into Writer’s Workshop. Sadly, today we were not able to do the workshop because of our recycling conversations, and they were very upset!  Over the past two weeks we have been working on personal narratives and how those types of stories only focus on the author’s life.  The kids really enjoy writing about themselves and always want to share their stories.  It has been very exciting to see their love of writing develop!  Some are even writing during Free Choice time!

Selah is so excited to write during her Free Choice time!


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