Oct 06 2011

Math Workshop

Posted at 9:46 pm under Clark,School 60

As with all of the areas, the kids are really getting into Math Workshop.  We did not have Math Workshop earlier this week because of our recycling project work and I had many disappointed friends.  I got a lot of sad faces over it.  I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite parts of the day.  It is great to see the kids engaged in their math notebooks and working together with others as they play a math game.  Today, as the kids solved their math problem, I took a few pictures so you can see them at work!  Our math time typically goes something like this: we read the problem in our journal together and then they are sent off to work as we float around to help and assist.  After the work time we share our findings and talk about the different way people solved their problems.  Finally, we end this block of time with some type of math game.  For example, we have been talking about number lines this week so we revisited a game called “Bunny Hop” to see how a number line can be used in life. 

BreAnna is hard at work in her journal!


Max and Kaylee are working on their journals as they relax on the carpet.


Selah and Sophia are working together to solve their problems!


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