Oct 24 2011

Welcome back!!

Posted at 7:50 pm under Bucher

I hope you all had a wonderful break!  It was so great to get back to school and see everyone today!  The children were so engaged and excited to be back at school which was wonderful to see.  I could not believe how hard the children were working, listening, and working collaboratively!

Today, we began some new things in the room-the message center and the finger puppet stage.  Our friends were so excited to get started writing messages to each other and putting them in their friends’ mailboxes.  The finger puppet stage was also a hit today.  There were some imaginative puppet shows going on including Gerald and Piggie from Mo Willem’s Gerald and Piggie books.

I put reminders in the mailboxes today, but remember we are going to Clowes on Wednesday and the puppet show at Peewinkle’s Puppet Studio on Saturday, if you choose.

If you are feeling like donating anything to our class, we are in need of snacks for our room, empty egg cartons, and construction paper…

A puppet show in the making!

Friends busy writing messages to each other!

Our mailboxes with some messages already in them!

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