Oct 25 2011

Another fabulous day!

Posted at 7:49 pm under Bucher

Today was another day filled with hard work, engagement, and enthusiasm!

Besides writer’s workshop, math workshop, and reader’s workshop today we also went to a presentation hosted by Ronald McDonald.  The whole presentation was about being a good friend and what to do when you are faced with a bully-go tell a teacher or ask a friend to help.  Ronald McDonald was very enthusiastic, and the children just LOVED him and the show.

Mrs. Grotjan continued to work on the puppet stage with the class during our Studio time…we are getting close to being done with it!

Today we spoke about our field trip to Clowes coming up tomorrow.  The children became so excited when I told them that we would be the only ones in the theater…you should have seen their smiles!  We talked about how we are going to use what we see and learn about tomorrow to help us prepare for our show.

Ronald McDonald!

Look at that letter "H"!

Some of our friends making a letter "x"

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