Nov 01 2011

Exciting News- A Field Trip!

Posted at 5:04 pm under Argus

Today we created a class calendar where we could keep track of imporntant dates and events and learn about the days of the week and the months of the year. After our calendar had a month and days of the week on it, I shared that I had an imporntant date to add to the calendar- a field trip to the Indianapolis International Airport! The kids are so excited! We will be taking this trip on Wednesday, November 16th and it will be an all day event. We are going to tour the various parts of the airport and may even get to see some airplanes up close. Tomorrow, your child will come home with a blue permission slip form asking for consent to allow your child to come on this trip and asking if you would like to help chaperone. We would love many adult helpers! After adding this imporntant date to our calendar, we counted down how many days until our field trip- 15! We wonder how many days until the field trip it will be tomorrow-will the number get larger or smaller?

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