Nov 06 2011

IPS College and Career Readiness Initiative

Posted at 10:43 am under School 60

I remember when I was young, my parents never used the word “if” when they spoke of college.  They always used the word “when.”  This was curious because no one in my family had attended college until I went to Butler University.

This year Indianapolis Public Schools has begun a College and Career Readiness initiative.  As part of this initiative each school is working to help all children see their future as a high school graduate and college student.  You may have noticed displays in the hallways of our school focused on college.  Examples include the display in our front entry showing where the staff members at School 60 attended college.  You may have also noticed that our hallways are labelled with college names and logos.  Butler Way is of course in the area of the school where our classrooms are located.  Further efforts include field trips to Butler University.  Mrs. Bucher’s class has already visited Butler once on a trip to explore Clowes Hall.  At some point this year each class will visit Butler.

As parents there are many things you can do to prepare your child for college.  Beginning a savings account while your child is young that can help pay for college is important.  In fact, Indiana offers a tax credit to families that save for college using an Indiana 529 account.  The tax credit is a 20% credit on funds invested up to a maximum credit of $1,000.00.  Helping your child succeed in school by spending time with them on homework and volunteering at school can help your child prepare for college.  But, one of the best things you can do to help your child prepare for college is what I was lucky enough to have parents do for me.  When you speak of college, talk about “when” your child goes to college, not “if.”

Ron Smith

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