Nov 07 2011

Permission Slip & IPad

Posted at 4:19 pm under Clark,School 60

VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!  A permission slip went home today for our class field trip!  On November 16th, we will be going to the White River Recycling and Transfer Facility.  We will be studying how the facility works.  Our class wants to implement a school wide recycling program so we will be taking notes!  Please sign and return the permission slip no later than November 14th.  Finally, we will be gone during our normal lunch hours so I ask that all students bring a sack lunch. 


BreAnna is working on her letter writing with the IPad.

We have a new piece of technology that the kids are getting a chance to use in the classroom.  Each day, some students get the opportunity to work on the IPad.  We have many apps for literacy and math.  The kids love to use it!  The new question in the classroom is, “Can I play with the IPad?”

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