Nov 09 2011

A Kindness Web

Posted at 6:15 pm under School 60

This week, our class is focusing on social skills and friendship. Most of our discussions have been focused on making and maintaining friends and how to treat others. This afternoon, we talked about the concept of forgiveness and what it means to truely forgive another person without holding any grudges. We talked about why forgiveness is important and how it felt to be forgiven. Michael told a story about a time when his sister forgave him for accidentally knocking down some blocks. He said, “After she forgave me, my bucket was filled way, way up!” After our talk about forgiveness, we began an activity on compliments and continuing to fill up one another’s buckets. We sat in a big circle and started with a ball of yarn. Each friend gave a compliment to another friend and held onto a piece of the yard as they threw the ball to the complimented friend. As we continued compliments around the circle, we created a web. Ruth called it, “A Friendship Web”. Da’Sean complimented David on his artistic skills. Sascha told Jenesis she thought she was such a good friend to her at recess. Messi was complimented on his story writing skills. It was truly incredible to watch the kids acknowledge one another in such a genuine way.



One response so far

One Response to “A Kindness Web”

  1.   scottgoldsmithon 09 Nov 2011 at 8:12 pm 1

    Love it!

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