Nov 15 2011

“The Sky is Falling!”

Posted at 7:32 pm under Bucher

Today was an exciting day!  We continued to talk about bravery (in terms of our performance coming up).  We went and saw Jamari and Makayla perform a short skit with a theater group that has been coming for the past few weeks.  It was wonderful because we had to practice being the audience instead of the performers.  Our group did such an amazing job listening to the actors perform and participating when needed (Our job was to say “The sky is falling” when the director told us to).

Yesterday and today we played a game called “Buzz” during Math Workshop to work on counting by 10’s and 5’s.  One group stood in a circle and we counted to 100.  Everytime a child got to “10”, “20”, “30” etc.  they would be buzzed to sit down.  The last person standing won the game.  The other group I played with played the same game but counted to 300 by “5’s”.  They really loved playing this game so it might be a game we revisit!

Today during our Yoga time we learned a new pose-the mountain pose.  The children for the second day in a row did an excellent job listening, breathing, and doing the poses that Mrs. Williams asked of us.  You might ask why we are doing yoga in our class.  The reason we are doing yoga each day after recess is to get our minds and bodies ready for Reader’s Workshop.  It helps us focus and prepare for continued learning for the day.  I am really excited about Mrs. Williams yoga each and every day.

Oliver and Jonah sharing each other's books during Writer's Workshop.

Madeline S. showing us the "Mountain" pose during our yoga time.

Our friends being a great audience for the theater group!

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