Nov 18 2011

Performance and Pajama Pics

Posted at 8:50 pm under Bucher

What a fun day we had today!  The kiddos LOVED wearing their pajamas to school (as did I).  It was such a treat for us to wear our pajamas to school.  Today we saw a demonstration by Andre (I believe to be 10 years old) who has been in the news recently (newspaper, Anderson Coopers show, etc.) with his stick bombs that he makes out of popsicle sticks.  His family is a perspective family who came to our open house last week.  Andre has been making these stick bombs (it is a bunch of popsicle sticks woven together, and then after you have however many you want you can set it off, and they fly up in the air.  They remind me of dominoes).  Well, he came in today to show his work since Mrs. Grotjan has been doing it with all of the students this week.  They were in awe of Andre and LOVED watching it go off.  If you go to YouTube and put in “stick bombs” you can see videos of them.  Very cool!

We had a blast watching Toy Story 3 and eating popcorn!  I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving Break!

We made some puppets today that Mekhi's family brought in. Here's Isaac's!

Enjoying the movie!

Our "Go Puppets!" cheer before we peformed for you!

Look how great our class looks in their pajamas!

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