Dec 01 2011

Reader’s Workshop

Posted at 7:56 am under Clark,School 60

Wyatt and CJ reading "back to back".

I have noticed that the kids are so excited about reading that during their independent time they want to share it with everyone!   Over the last two weeks we have introduced a new idea into Reader’s Workshop. Each day, the kids start sitting back to back with a partner.  During this time they are reading independently.  About half way through our workshop time I say, “It is time for elbow to elbow, knee to knee.”  This gives the kids a chance to share their reading with someone else.  I can truly say this is the kids favorite part of Reader’s Workshop!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Reader’s Workshop”

  1.   jamilmarshon 02 Dec 2011 at 2:03 pm 1

    Love this! 🙂

  2.   Mrs. Arguson 04 Dec 2011 at 8:53 am 2

    So fun! Look how engaged they are.

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