Dec 05 2011

Stop…and think!

Posted at 8:11 pm under Bucher

Today, we learned about some new things.  One of those new things was the idea of “Stop…and think!”  We talked about this during Reader’s Workshop so that we can begin to really think about what we are reading about when we are reading books.  The children during their independent reading time, I noticed, were stopping and thinking.  By stopping and thinking about what we are reading, that will help us with our comprehension and summarizing.

We also learned our new spelling words which are “can”, “for”, “go”, “here”, “see”.   I put them on the homework list too so you can see them there as well.  It is so fun to see the children spotting these words around them!

Another thing that we talked about today was self-portrait collages.  These are collages that are made with beautiful “stuff” around us.  They can be beads, twigs, leaves, berries, nails, magazine cut outs, etc.  We started to make our own self-portrait collages today.  Geneva, Madeline P., and Emily were the ones that wanted to do them today, and I was so proud of their work!  I am excited to see what the children make throughout the week.

Geneva working on her self portrait collage.

One of our resources we are using to help us make our self-portrait collages.

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