Dec 08 2011
Archive for December, 2011
Dec 07 2011
Recycling Presentations and Yoga
Our recycling project is on a roll! This week we have been going to classrooms all over the buildings to present and ask for other students to recycle with us. So far we have a lot of requests for recycling boxes and everyone is saying yes! (Please see Mrs. Bucher’s post about one of our first presentations.) I am so proud of the kids and their ability to tackle public speaking with no fear at such an early age! In addition, we received good news today. Our paper retriever bin is scheduled to be delivered to our school on Friday or Saturday of this week! Once it is here feel free to bring paper in from home. We need everyone’s help to make our environment a safer place!
Isn’t this impressive?!
I am continually impressed with the kids’ dedication to our daily yoga. I have noticed that as we end everyone is calmer and more relaxed. We are able to start our Math Workshop in a calm tone. Mrs. Williams and I have noticed how the kids are really grasping different poses. Mrs. Williams took our class to the next level today. Check out the pose Jaiden is doing above! She, like many others, was able to hold this pose for many seconds. (I tried it myself and it is a hard one!)
Dec 07 2011
The 5 W’s!
On Monday and Tuesday we talked about “Stopping and thinking” about what we are reading when we are reading books. Today, we discussed the 5 W’s: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. We had some pictures to show each word, and then we discussed a little bit about them. Then I challenged the children to find those in their books while they were reading. I was so proud of them for finding those “W” words. By finding those 5 “W” words, that helps with summarizing and comprehension. Next week we are going to talk in more detail about each “W” word so that the children have a better understanding of what to look for in their books.
Dec 06 2011
Writer’s Workshop Self Evaluation
This week we started a new unit of study in Writer’s Workshop. We are Writing For Readers, meaning that we want to make our writing clear and neat so others can read it. Today I asked the kids to do something new. I asked them to go through their own folders of finished books and evaluate them. They had to make a pile of “easy to read” books and “hard to read” books. While watching them sort through their books, I was impressed! Every student was honest with themselves and really took the time needed to look through and evaluate their own books! The goal is that the kids find an area they need to work on and apply that to their writing time. Check back in a few days and I will let you know how we are doing!
Dec 06 2011
Recycling, new yoga pose, and reading partners!
Today was another busy and productive day! Sophia and Max from Mrs. Clark’s class came in this morning to give us a presentation about their recycling project. They did such an amazing job presenting their new plans to get our school to recycle. Each class will have a box in their room to recycle paper, and then each Friday they will take it out and put it in the big recycling bin! Our kids the rest of the day were asking “Is this for the regular trash can or the recycling box?” We are pretty excited about being a little greener!
We learned a new pose-the boat- today during yoga, and I cannot tell you how proud I was of the kids! They worked so hard with their partner to get themselves into the boat position, and then they were trying to really focus their attention so they could stay up for a while!
During Readers Workshop we did some partner reading. The children partnered up with a friend and took some time to read their books with each other. We will be doing this once a week at least to work on projecting and reading aloud to a peer.