Archive for December, 2011

Dec 06 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus


Filed under Argus


    Angela mixes the avocados.

Creating together.



This morning as the kids came in, they were greeted with the aroma of fresh avacados. Friends were invited to watch the avacados be cut open, help  remove the green fruit, and mash it in preperation for guacamole. Each child had a chance to help mash and mix the green pulp into a smooth blend. After it was nice and creamy, we added some salsa (about half a jar) to the avacados and mixed some more. Then, we tried our creation! I was so proud, while not all of our friends loved the guacamole, all of them did try it with brave faces. Below are some of the descriptions from our friends.

Messi- “It tastes real spicy!”

Hutton- “Spicy!”

Ruth- “The guacamole is creamy.”

Zek- “Mine tastes like peanut butter.”

Da’Sean- “It tastes like popcorn.”

Aidan- “Its a little spicy, but I like it.”

David- “I didn’t like it cuz I tasted guacamole before and I didn’t like it.”

Lucas- “It tastes like an ice cube, it really did. I dipped it on the top and I got a big chunk like an ice cube.”

Regan- “It’s GOOOOOOOD!”

Monica- “It’s good and spicy! I ate all of mine!”




 A lot of interest was taken in the large avocado pits inside the fruit too. Friends asked, “Why are they so big?” “What are those things?” Jenesis held the pits up to her face and said, “Look, they look like eyes!” We decided we would try an experiment to see if we could get the avocado seeds to grow. At the end of the day, we placed each of the five avocado seeds inside a large plastic baggie with a wet paper towel. We decided to tape the baggies up against our windows in our classroom and outside in the hallway so they can get light and see if anything sprouts! We learned that the avocado seed could take up to 6 weeks to grow, so we will be practicing our patience.


Friends enjoy the end of our Mexico video and sample guacamole.

Kaitlyn and Lucas learn a new math game during math workshop today.

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Dec 05 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Stop…and think!

Filed under Bucher

Today, we learned about some new things.  One of those new things was the idea of “Stop…and think!”  We talked about this during Reader’s Workshop so that we can begin to really think about what we are reading about when we are reading books.  The children during their independent reading time, I noticed, were stopping and thinking.  By stopping and thinking about what we are reading, that will help us with our comprehension and summarizing.

We also learned our new spelling words which are “can”, “for”, “go”, “here”, “see”.   I put them on the homework list too so you can see them there as well.  It is so fun to see the children spotting these words around them!

Another thing that we talked about today was self-portrait collages.  These are collages that are made with beautiful “stuff” around us.  They can be beads, twigs, leaves, berries, nails, magazine cut outs, etc.  We started to make our own self-portrait collages today.  Geneva, Madeline P., and Emily were the ones that wanted to do them today, and I was so proud of their work!  I am excited to see what the children make throughout the week.

Geneva working on her self portrait collage.

One of our resources we are using to help us make our self-portrait collages.

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Dec 05 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Argus

Mr. Spaceman!

Filed under Argus

Monica and Sascha design their Spacemen.

We just began a new unit for Writer’s Workshop: Writer’s Write for an Audience. In talking about an audience reading back our books, our class started a discussion on using space in between our words when we write. We looked at two examples of Mrs. Argus’ writing. The first was “all mashed together” (as Messi said) and it looked “sloppy” (said Aidan). We looked at the second example of writing, which the class concluded was “much better” because there was space between words, or as we call it, finger space, and you “didn’t have to read it all fast” (Hutton) . I told the kids they would have an additional tool to help them leave finger space instead of just a finger- THE SPACEMAN! The spaceman is a little man (or woman) drawn onto a craft stick. This person encourages you to leave space by being inserted between words in your writing. The spaceman can be used again and again in any book and is a friendly reminder to write for your audience!

Sascha uses her spaceman to write.


Monica and Ruth try partner reading for the first time today during Reader's Workshop.

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Dec 02 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Spelling and Joseph

Filed under Bucher

Today, we were so excited to welcome Joseph back to our class!  He transferred to another school a couple of weeks ago, but then came back to our class today!  The children were so excited to see him this morning and all day they were saying “Hi Joseph!” and “Come play with us Joseph!”  It was nice to see how warm and receptive they were to their friend.

We ended our spelling this week with spelling the words as we bounced the big yoga ball.  Then each child came up with a sentence with one of their spelling words and shared it with their friends.  “I like my…” was the most popular phrase and then the children changed the endings up.  I was very proud of them!  I will put the next 5 spelling words on the Homework Extension list next Monday.

Saa being "Mrs. Bucher" this morning during our Morning Meeting.

Sydney and Shaniyia working on writing words together during our Free Choice time!

Geneva getting ready to catch the ball so she can then say her sentence with a spelling word in it.

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Dec 01 2011

Profile Image of Mrs. Bucher

Notebooks and Family Night!

Filed under Bucher

Good evening!  Today we unveiled our new notebook system within the class!  On the back of our mailboxes we have two pockets for each child.  One pocket is for their word wall notebook.  The other pocket is for their math notebook.  The children will have access to these each day to help them with their writing, reading, spelling, and math.  We are all quite excited about it, and some children were already using them as a resource!

We had a fun time at Math Family Night tonight!  I hope you all had a nice time playing games with your family!

Our new notebook set up in classroom!

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