Jan 10 2012

Field Trip Reminder & Eye Pillows

Posted at 8:11 pm under Clark,School 60

As we get back into the swing of things this week I wanted to say a quick reminder about tomorrow.  We will be going on a field trip to Clowes at Butler University.  We will be seeing the Eric Carle production.  There is no need to worry about a change in schedule though as we did with previous field trips.  We will be eating at school and leaving right after lunch.  We should all return to school around 1:30.


Reid is relaxing with the eye pillow.


“Mrs. Williams, what is an eye pillow?!  You don’t need a pillow for your eyes!”  These were the questions Mrs. Williams received as she introduced the idea of eye pillows to the class today during yoga.  These little pillows are filled with lavender.  The kids used them at the end of our yoga time as we did our meditation and deep breathing time.  Many of the students loved the smell and said it helped them relax 🙂

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