Jan 10 2012

Flowers and Morning Meeting

Posted at 8:58 pm under Bucher

Yesterday we planted two bulbs that will hopefully bloom into beautiful flowers! The children loved exploring the bulb as well as planting it.  There were a couple of green leaves exposed after we planted them, and the children throughout the rest of the day swore that it was already growing!  We are going to measure the leaves each week to keep track of the growth.

Our morning meeting has changed a little bit.  After reading a book about morning meetings, it came apparent that it matters the order in which we conduct the morning meeting each day. Also having a sharing time is so beneficial to the children because it is one more time that the children feel they are being heard.  Children also love to share things about themselves so by having this formal share time they are able to do that!  So, our morning meetings look like this now:

Greeting (do various forms of greetings to say good morning to those around us)

Share Time (children will have the opportunity to share something.  Every child can share but they can share only one time a week so that it ensures that every child can have the opportunity.  There is a sign up sheet that the children can sign up to share their news)

Group Time (This will be a dance, silly song, an activity of some sort that allows for us to build our community)

Morning Message (This will be the time to go over the question on the board as well as attendance and calendar)

The children have really responded to this more formal morning meeting time and I am thrilled for that!  I think it will continue to build our community.

Cha'kyra looking at the root of the bulb

getting the dirt ready for our plant

Emily and Shaniyia exploring the manipulatives on the light table.

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