Jan 13 2012

Our Second Friendship Circle!

Posted at 4:18 pm under Argus,Bucher

The kids have been so excited all week about meeting again in our friendship circle. During calendar today, Miss Schmidt asked some of our friends what day was today. Angela told her it was Friday and said she knew because, “It is friendship circle day!”

During friendship circle, our two classes celebrated several friends that got to add pieces of fabric to the friendship loom. They got to do this by acting like a friend throughout the week.

Sydney and Emily share a handshake with our friendship circle.

After we recognized our special friends, Mrs. Bucher, Miss Schmidt and I asked the kids about special handshakes. What handshakes had they worked on this week? Did they have any prospective ideas for our friendship circle handshake? Many pairs shared what they had worked on this week. We saw many different kinds of handshakes, including some with hand clapping, hugs, noises, and counting. Next week, we will talk about deciding on a friendship circle handshake we can do each time we meet. We are so excited to see where this time leads us!

David and Da'Sean share a cool greeting with us.

One response so far

One Response to “Our Second Friendship Circle!”

  1.   sonyaybon 13 Jan 2012 at 11:39 pm 1

    I am so happy that you are explicitly teaching values such as kindness and friendship in class. What a great antidote to all the bullying and selfishness prevalent elsewhere. The effects are evident in the respect the kids show for each other each day. It’s great.

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