Jan 17 2012

Mr. Nored and measuring our plants

Posted at 8:06 pm under Bucher

Today, Mr. Nored, had his first day with us, and let me tell you he just fit right into our little family!  The kiddos just loved having him there so I am excited for what is to come next with him being in our class now.

So, the past week we have been measuring items around us with various tools (hands, feet, inchworms, and rulers).  This week we are still exploring measuring but looking more closely at rulers (inches inparticular).  Today, we measured the leaves of our plants we planted last week.  We predicted how many inches we think the leaves will grow by next week when we measure them again.  Jamari said, “It’s gonna be 8 inches.”  Jonah said, “I think it will grow 2 inches.”  We will see next week how much more it grew…if it grows. 🙂

Some friends working together to measure and graph our measurement of our plant.

Mr. Nored playing Jenga with some friends as they come into class this morning!

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