Jan 25 2012

Math Puzzles

Posted at 8:52 pm under Clark,School 60

Today in Math Workshop, I introduced a new area to the students.  As I have said before, the workshop is split into two sections, one working with me on the lesson and the other playing math games.  Today I introduced math puzzles. (These will take place during math game time.)  Each student has a folder that will hold different independent puzzles.  These are not what you would typically think of as a puzzle, but rather a number game.   For example, today each student started with a hundreds chart that had spaces left blank.  The students had to look and figure out which number was missing.  They could count or they could notice patterns in the numbers to figure out their answer.  Either way they are working with numbers in their head!  As we get into this routine, I will add more advanced puzzles and mind games for the students to complete.  I know I have said this all week, but I was so proud of their work today!  They all took these puzzles very seriously!

Kristien, J'Nayla, Olivia, and Sophia are all working on their math puzzles.

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