Feb 14 2012

Forgot my camera…

Posted at 7:18 pm under Bucher

Today was a fun day!  We had our first P.E. experience which the children REALLY enjoyed!  The Butler teachers took half the group while I was with the other half of the group doing Reader’s Workshop.  Then we switched.  It was nice to have some conversations about what the children did why they were in P.E.  I look forward to seeing how excited they are on Thursday for P.E. again.

The friends really enjoyed bringing in Valentine’s as well as making them at school for their friends.  We had our Friendship Party where we did some measuring activities with candy hearts and we also filled those bags with various Valentine’s.  It was such a nice experience because everyone was enthusiastic about getting and giving the cards, and they just seemed to care for each other in a special way.

(I am sorry but I forgot my camera at school so I cannot upload any pictures to the blog tonight!)

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