Feb 21 2012


Posted at 4:12 pm under Clark,School 60

As I said in Friday’s blog our recycling project is going so well!  The kids are now interested in finding other ways to save the environment!  This week we were looking into writing Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.  (The kids discovered that Mr. Greg Ballard does not cut down trees because he really supports Keep Indianapolis Beautiful so that letter was put on hold.)

Through a conversation today, Reid and Max thought it would be a good idea to write for help!  They came up with the idea that we could write Keep Indianapolis Beautiful for help planting trees at our own school.  Reid was so excited he said, “It will be another way to save the environment!”  After Reid and Max shared the entire classroom was excited about our next adventure!  We even went outside this afternoon to look at possible places to plant trees.  Stay tuned for more in the next few days!!

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